


zoom_account_idAccount ID of the Zoom Server-to-Server OAuth App.Required
zoom_client_id.Client ID of the Zoom Server-to-Server OAuth App.Required
zoom_client_secretClient Secret of the Zoom Server-to-Server OAuth App.Required
gsa_credentialsThe base64 encoded string of the Google Service Account's JSON Credentials file.Required
lookback_daysThe number of days to look back from end_date for which is to be downloaded (Should be < 30 as Zoom's List API itself limits it per API call).1
end_dateThe end date of the recordings. All recordings between end_date and end_date - lookback_days will be attempted for sync.Day of run
delete_on_successWhether the successfully synced recordings should be deleted or not from Zoom's Cloud.False
meeting_gdrive_folder_mapA based64 encoded string of a JSON Map of Meeting IDs and Folder IDs. See here for more.Required
Getting started